Earn money Per Hour Searching Google | make money $12 per hour browsing google search engine easy - Free Soft Den
Earn money Per Hour Searching Google | make money $12 per hour browsing google search engine easy - Free Soft Den
Make $12 an
hour searching Google. Is that even possible? Well, I'm going to give you guys
all the details right on this article. What's up guys? Free Soft Den here.
Thank you so much for coming back to website. It is great to see here today.
You look fantastic or something about you today that just Sparkles and I'm so
glad you're here because on this article I'm going to show you how you can make
$12 per hour searching Google by working at home. And this is great for
beginners. Okay. Now before that remember to subscribe to website right now
because I come out with articles every single day that will show you how you
can make money online how to work from home and how you guys can become an
entrepreneur and if you guys would like to learn how to make a full-time
passive income right online. Okay. This is what I'm doing. If you want to make
money. While you sleep and while you're out on vacation and traveling while
check out the link below in the description of this article right now and I
will share with you some more information on how you can do that. Okay. So
let's go ahead and get into the article. I'm going to show you how you can
become a search engine evaluator right on this article. So it will be your job
to determine the relevancy of pages based on a specific search term. Okay. So
let's go through this and I'm going to show you step-by-step on how this works.
Then what I'll do is I will show you the companies that will pay you for doing
this. All right. So let's go ahead and get started here. So I'm over on Google
and once you are enrolled for the position, you will be given a search term or
query to search for Okay, so just as an example here, I've already done a
Already just
to test this out. But let's just say you're searching for something like Peet's
Coffee. I mean got a coffee shop here called Peet's Coffee. So let's just type
that in real quick. Okay, so you can see that Pete's the company Pete's is the
first is ranked. Number one that's right on the top of the search engines. So
to me if that's very relevant. Okay, let's go ahead and search for another one
here write something a little bit more complicated how to change and I've
already done this. So how to change gear box on a Triumph motorcycle now, I
don't really know much about motorcycles, but that's something a little bit
complicated to do. Now. What I'm going to do is I'm you know, people are
looking for Clear instructions on how to do things. It must be accurate and
easy to follow. All right. So what you're going to do is you're going to come
through here and look at the different web pages. What are we got here? We got
a Triumph Pratt dotnet. This is a changing the trim transmission oil. I don't
know if that's really going to give me
Exactly the
step by step instructions on what I'm looking for. Let's go ahead and look at
another one here transmission oil for a 1972 Triumph motorcycle. That's not
really relevant article Try up. You need it bearing to install hmm. That might
be relevant. Okay. So when you guys arrive at these Pages make sure it's of
interest to the user and ask yourself. Does it provide the information that the
user is looking for? Yes or no and make a note of it. All right. So let's go
ahead and go over to another search term here something a little bit more
simple so I can show you what a relevant what relevant results look like. Okay.
So how to make a paper airplane. Okay, there we go. Very basic. Boom right
away. I have results in a website that's going to show me step by step on how
to put together a paper airplane. So in this case, this is really relevant.
Okay, I'm getting clear instructions here on exactly what to do. So I like the
results for that and just for fun. Let's just do one more here how to change
cranks on a mongoose tie x29 Pro. This is a bicycle. Okay, and the cranks are
those things that you turn with your hands and so I want to find instructions
on how I can replace those. So looking at the results here. I see a article and
if I click on that article Let's see what that is is Jonathan from Competitive
Edge. This looks like a article that shows you how to how to remove Square
taper cranks on a mountain bike. I don't see any mention of mongoose must be
pretty General that might work that might Soluble longest ix20 Pro need help
with Mongoose cranks another Forum link here, but I really don't see anything
giving me step-by-step instructions to show me exactly how to do that. Okay. So
why you guys are going to do next is you're going to rate the web the web sites
ranked on Google for that search term if I said that right so rate the pages
from 125 based on the results. For example number 5, that would be you find the
page most relevant number for very relevant number three in relevant and number
two slightly relevant and number one irrelevant. Okay, so into your rating and
move on to the next search term, okay, it's that easy. Now what if you haven't
heard of the query or you don't understand it? Well, that's okay then just take
some time and do your research online just searching for the query will help
you understand the term and what the user wants, okay. Now so Who is going to
pay you for doing this who's going to pay you? Well, one of the companies is
called Lion Bridge.com. Now, they just updated their website and it looks
amazing with a fresh new design. And so the company is really growing here.
Now. If you join this company and become an evaluator, you got your don't learn
12 bucks an hour for doing this. Okay, and they will give you 20 hour 20
working hours per week, which comes out to be somewhere around nine hundred and
sixty bucks per month. Okay, that's going to pay some bills guys. All right. So
if you want more hours with the working for this company, then you need to
apply for a social media assessor position. And then that will add another
twenty dollars to twenty working hours a week for a total of 40 hours per week.
Okay, so pretty good decent rating over on indeed.com Lion Bridge about three
point four stars out of five. You guys can come over here and check
Out the
reviews great and flexible place to work great part-time job. Go ahead and
check out the reviews before you guys join this company now, I wanted to
include another company that gives you guys that shows you how you can
basically do the same thing a similar job. Okay, and this is a company called
Apon. Right now happen is a language technology and consulting firm. So like
search engine evaluation. You can get paid from this company to become a social
media evaluator. Okay. So the main purpose of a sort of a social media
evaluator is to improve the relevancy of a company's news feed. Okay, like if
you go to Facebook, you see that huge news feed their want to really focus on
the relevancy for that and when you're searching on different social media
sites like Twitter Facebook. Okay, so to do this, you will need to be a daily
social media user. Well most people are and the great thing is is that all ages
are welcome to do this. Now. How is the pay well in general people have
reported that they're making somewhere around 12 to $14 an hour somewhere in
that range. It really depends on where you Lead so if you want to make more. Or
then you can apply to become a data collector and earned $30 an hour working at
home. Okay, so If you want to become an independent contractor and work at
home, well guys apply to these websites for some part-time supplemental income
becoming a search engine evaluator. Now, you're still trading time for money
here, right? You're putting a lot of time and then you're getting the money
back but you must put in those hours and if you don't work, you don't get paid.
Okay. Well, how would you like to make a better use of your time? Okay, how
would you like to learn how to create a full-time passive income right online?
And this is what I'm doing and I love it. And from what I've heard from you
guys you guys are loving this too. So check out the link below in the
description of this article right below here. Go ahead and click on that link.
Click on that link right now and I will share with you guys how you can create
a full-time passive income just working from home. Okay, so go check that out
right now and that's
For this article
guys, if you found some value here, give me a thumbs up. I would appreciate
that. And if you guys want more articles about making money online working from
home and becoming an entrepreneur. Well subscribe to website right now and I
will send you guys an update whenever I come out with a new article. Alright,
so that's it for today. You guys make an awesome day and On the next article.
Peace out.
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